110/3/16(二)【醫學院講座】Chromatin remodeling and progression of endometrial cancer

110/3/16(二)【醫學院講座】Chromatin remodeling and progression of endometrial cancer主講人:施益民教授
現職:美國約翰霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)醫學院Richard W. TeLinde講座傑出教授,和癌症中心婦女腫瘤科主任
題目:Chromatin remodeling and progression of endometrial cancer (簡報下載)
時間:110/3/16(二) 13:30-15:00 (13:15開始簽到)


Speaker:Dr. Ie-Ming Shih (Richard TeLinde Distinguished Professor and Co-Director of Women’s Malignancies Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
Topic : Chromatin remodeling and progression of endometrial cancer (downloading file)
Where: 1st Conference Room ( 2nd floor, HE-JING BUILDING)
Registration Website:https://reurl.cc/o9yNN5
Registration deadline: Saturday, March 13, 2021